2025 CUWFA Conference
Registration Type | Early Bird Rates (Until March 7, 2025) |
Regular Rates (Starting March 8, 2025) |
CUWFA Member | $577.50 | $693.00 |
HERC/Partner Organization | $695.75 | $834.90 |
Non-Member | $728.48 | $874.18 |
Student/Retiree | $221.38 | $265.66 |
One-day | $442.75 | $531.30 |
Sponsor | $506 | $607.20 |
The Creation of the Work-Life Field: The View from Some Founders
It may seem as if there was always a work-life field, but that’s not the case.
On this unique keynote panel, you will hear from some of its founders—from the people who were literally in “the rooms where it happened”—changemakers who recognized a need to address the issues surfacing at workplaces in the 1980s. These visionaries changed the way organizations respond to the evolving needs of employees at the intersection of their work and personal lives.
They will address the following questions:
The panel will include leaders from philanthropy (Kathleen Christensen, former Director of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s Workplace, Workforce and Working Families Program as well as their Working Longer program), business (Ted Childs, former Vice President, IBM), consulting (invited: Fran Rodgers, founder of Work/Family Directors which became WFD Consulting), media (Carol Evans,one of the founders of Working Mother Magazine and the creator of their 100 Best Companies program), academia, and non-profits and will be moderated by Ellen Galinsky, co-founder and president of the Families and Work Institute.
Ellen Galinsky is President of Families and Work Institute and the elected President of the Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN). She also serves as senior research advisor to AASA, the School Superintendent Organization. Previous jobs include Chief Science Officer at the Bezos Family Foundation and faculty at Bank Street College. Her research is centered on children’s learning and thriving and has involved studies on work-life, child and adolescent development, youth voice, child-care, and parental development.
Tuesday, April 29 | New York University Campus |
9:00am | CUWFA Board Meeting |
3:30pm | Registration Opens |
4:00pm | New Member/First Time Attendee Orientation |
5:00pm | Welcome |
Roundtables: Attendees will have the opportunity to choose two different informal workshops and interact with the presenters and colleagues.
6:30pm | Welcome Reception |
Wednesday, April 30 | Columbia University Campus |
7:30am | Meet at Empire Hotel to Travel to Columbia University |
8:15am | Breakfast |
9:00am | Welcome Remarks |
9:15am | Keynote Panel The Creation of the Work-Life Field: The View from Some Founders - Moderated by Ellen Galinsky, co-founder and president of the Families and Work Institute |
10:45am | Pearl of Wisdom: The American Business Collaboration, an innovative corporate program founded by IBM to support child care and elder care across the country - Ted Childs, former executive, IBM |
11:00am | Coffee Break/Visit Sponsors |
11:15am | Session 30 Years of Public Policy in the Work-Life Arena - Dr. Jane Waldfogel, Compton Foundation Centennial Professor for the Prevention of Children's and Youth Problems, School of Social Work, Columbia University |
12:00pm | Pearl of Wisdom: CUWFA’S 30 Year Impact: Reflections and Inspiration from a Long-time Member - Susan Abramson, Yale University (retired), Pendulum Consultant |
12:15pm | Lunch |
2:15pm | Session Dream Big! The Power of Inspiring Employees to Pursue Their Dreams - Angela Reese, Yale University; Betty Klein, Indiana University |
3:00pm | Coffee Break/Visit Sponsors |
3:15pm | Session Leveraging technology to enhance financial well-being at the University of Iowa - Diana Kremzar, University of Iowa |
4:00pm | Session You can have an impact with your work - no matter! - Dr. Grace Cosachov Protos, New York University; Phyllis Stewart Pires, Stanford University |
4:45pm | Break: Campus Tour or Stretch Break |
5:45pm | Dinner and Entertainment |
Thursday, May 1 | New York University Campus |
7:30am | Meet at Empire Hotel to Travel to NYU |
8:15am | Breakfast |
9:00am |
Welcome Remarks Keynote: Pending confirmation - stay tuned! |
10:30am | Coffee Break/Visit Sponsors |
10:45am | Session Building a Caring Culture for the Future: How Work Life Offices Can Advance Workplace-Wellbeing through a Culture-First Approach in Higher Education - Dr. Julian Cohen-Serrins and Jack Osea, New York University |
11:30am | Pearl of Wisdom: How Cornell Supports Community Child Care Growth - Ruth Merle-Doyle, Cornell University |
11:45am | Break and Lunch |
1:00pm | Session Connecting policy to support and sustain the university family caregiver - Eileen Lawless, University of Arizona |
1:45pm | Pearl of Wisdom: What Works, What Doesn't, and Where Do We Go From Here?: Reflecting on the Child Care Pathways Pilot - Dr. Cari Maes, Oregon State University |
2:00pm | Session A Call to Action: Using An Adaptive Leadership Framework to Advance Change - Dr. Linda Lausell-Bryant, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Clinical Professor; Master Teacher; Katherine and Howard Aibel Executive-in Residence, Silver School of Social Work, New York University |
2:45pm | Coffee Break/Visit Sponsors |
3:00pm | Facilitated Table Discussion: Conference Debrief, Reflections, and Plans for the Future |
3:45pm | Closing Remarks |
The conference accommodations will be at The Empire Hotel in the heart of the Upper West, across the street from the famous Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts with access to a variety of transportation options and restaurants.
The discounted room rate per night is $289 +tax for a King Room and $349 +tax for a Double/Double room.
Please use this link to book your room. Reservations must be made by March 28, 2025 to receive the discounted rate.
Three major airports serve the New York City area. The cost of transportation from airports may vary depending on which ride hailing apps or services are used.
A budget-friendly option, if you're traveling light, is public transportation.
The Empire Hotel is conveniently located near multiple MTA subway stations in NYC: